The takeover Panel

1144 days ago

Eurasia Mining – a damning indictment of the Takeover Panel

I am not sure if the Takeover Panel boasts about how many birds it has promoted to its executive team whether they have been flagged up as manifestly incompetent or not, but in the matter of Eurasia Mining (EUA) it has shown itself to be as useless as the FCA, if not even more useless. Let me explain.


3284 days ago

Could Chris Oil lose £7 million on New World Oil & Gas? Or more?

This morning’s RNS from New World Oil & Gas makes it abundantly clear that the takeover Panel is at least considering forcing the eccentric blogger and hit and (largely) miss share tipster known as Chris Oil to make a mandatory offer for the company and this could well set the poor fellow back a net £5.5 million or more.

To recap: On Friday it was announced that a Mrs Judith Williams owned c342 million shares in New World which disgraced Nomad Roland “fatty” Cornish incorrectly stated was 10% of the share capital. Fatty forgot that as at Friday only c750 million shares were in issue so in fact Mrs Williams owns 49% of the equity. Mrs Williams is in fact Chris Oil.

If the takeover panel


3565 days ago

Brian Toye of Toye & Co: Crony Capitalist you have Massive Questions to answer you POS

Brian Toye runs a listed company Toye & Co (TOYE) and has now made a 35p a share offer to buy out his fellow stockholders. The offer is disgracefully low – a 30% discount to the share price and a 70% discount to the last NAV. The manner of the offer also begs a stack of questions as to whether rules have been followed. The NEDs said No. But it will go through unless regulators intervene. This is disgraceful crony capitalism and POS Brian Toye has serious questions to answer.

One shareholder has now contacted Mr Toye, his advisors and the Takeover Panel asking for an investigation. Let’s see what happen. His letter is below. And it will horrify you. 
